Day 13 of "30 Paintings in 30 Days" - "Fireworks", acrylics on watercolor paper (15x11 inches). I've found that I'm always drawn to my favorite aqua color, Viridi, soooo amazing!
Day 12: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
Day 12 of "30 Paintings in 30 Days" is an acrylic painting of daffodils. Colors in the photo are not very accurate. The background is more of a teal than the warm blue it's showing.
Day 11: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
Posting a day before because I know I'll need to catch up on the weekend. Here's "Pastel hues", acrylic on watercolor paper (22x15 inches). I think these are coneflowers but not totally sure.
Day 10: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
Here is today's painting of "Purple poppies" on watercolor paper (15x11 inches). I am kind of running out of steam already LOL!
Day 9: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
Today's painting is "Hellebores" in watercolor on watercolor paper (11x15 inches). I really liked the source photo but now looking at it, the composition is not very good. Will try another one. I love these flowers!
Day 8: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
I usually despise negative painting since I get so lost with it and don't have the patience to continue adding layers and layers. I usually use a photo reference and try to follow the patterns exactly thinking it would be easier that way. Well, not, it's easier to just do the patterns from one's head as I did in this painting of "Fuchsias" (11x15 inches). As I kept adding more layers, new leaves revealed themselves to me. All I had to do was accentuate the edges with darker washes. I think I will use this approach from now on.
Day 7: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept 2015)
My favorite flower to paint is definitely poppies. I went with more orange ones this time. I am trying to practice more negative painting but don't think I have the patience ha! I did do some here. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out how to convert a negative shape into a positive shape (for example the flower stems) but I think overall this painting ended up decent.
Day 6: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
For day 6 of "30 Paintings in 30 Days" I painted some daffodils using acrylics on matboard (approx. 8x10 inches). Keeping it simple on weekends when I have a lot less time to paint.
"Daffodils" - acrylic on matboard (approx. 8x10 inches)
Day 5: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept. 2015)
Keeping it simple during the weekend, here's my little painting of purple flowers in acrylics (approx. 8 x 10 inches). I am trying a simple approach to florals in acrylics and hope to do more like this this month.
Day 4: 30 Paintings in 30 Days (Sept 2015)
So here is day 4 of "30 Paintings in 30 Days." I have no idea what kind of flower this is but I loved the original reference picture and beautiful purple colors.
"Purple sunset" - watercolor on watercolor paper (15x22 inches)