Day 3 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 3 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - Flamenco lady, watercolor on paper (11x15 inches). Must practice faces, so so hard in watercolors!


Flamenco lady - watercolor on paper (11x15 inches)

Flamenco lady - watercolor on paper (11x15 inches)

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Day 2 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Red dress, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper.
This was just an experiment on using watercolor markers. Also used watercolors and ink.

Red dress-watercolor, marker and ink (approx. 11x15 inches)

Red dress-watercolor, marker and ink (approx. 11x15 inches)

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Day 1 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - again

Just started a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge again and here is Day 1, a ballerina in watercolors. I'm not sure I'll have the time or energy to complete the challenge but I'll do what I can this month.

Ballerina - watercolor on watercolor paper (11x15 inches)

Ballerina - watercolor on watercolor paper (11x15 inches)

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More testing of Hydrus watercolors

So here is another quickie one of Poppies using the Hydrus watercolors (and a black watercolor pencil) - watercolor on watercolor paper (15x11 inches)

Poppies - watercolor on watercolor paper (15x11 inches)

Poppies - watercolor on watercolor paper (15x11 inches)

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Trying out my Hydrus watercolors

So last week I won a set of Hydrus watercolors by Dr. Ph. Martin's by asking a question during their online demo...I decided to play with them today and I must say I LOVE them. They're very highly pigmented liquid watercolors--almost like playing with ink. I love the way they explode on a wet paper.
So I decided to paint some anenomes with them. The source of the photo is PMP. The paper is Saunders Waterford 140 lb. cold press at 11x15 inches (quarter sheet). I wetted the paper irregularly and went straight in with paint and slowly defined the anenomes. I sprayed water a few times to encourage the paint to move and create random texture. I followed by defining the flower centers while the paint was still slightly wet, and then I painted the greens and blues of the background. The last step was adding linear elements (stems) and suggestions of leaves. I must say I just love, love, love this paint. This painting seemed to have painted itself ;)

Anenomes - watercolor on watercolor paper (11x15 inches)

Anenomes - watercolor on watercolor paper (11x15 inches)

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Blast from the past!

Blast from the past!
So my mom and aunt took pictures of these oil paintings I painted as a kid.
The hydrangeas was in 1989 (I was 13), the roses in 1988 (I was 12) and the still life with the teapot was in 1987 (I was 11). I started taking art lessons with a friend of my mom when I was about 7 or 8--Taty--I still remember her name, she was such a sweetie - RIP Taty.

Hydrangeas - oil on canvas board (1989)

Hydrangeas - oil on canvas board (1989)

Roses in a vase - oil on canvas board (1988)

Roses in a vase - oil on canvas board (1988)

Still life with teapot - Oil on canvas board (1987)

Still life with teapot - Oil on canvas board (1987)

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Day 30 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 30 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - Valeria, my oldest - watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches approx.)
Below is a collage of all the 30 paintings I did this month (the girl watching TV on the lower right) seems to be a popular one. Let me a comment below letting me know which is your favorite?

I actually did 31 paintings this moth...will post the other one soon..

Valeria, my oldest - watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches approx.)

Valeria, my oldest - watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches approx.)

miriza's 30 Paintings in 30 days - January 2014 - All paintings are watercolors or oil pastels on paper

miriza's 30 Paintings in 30 days - January 2014 - All paintings are watercolors or oil pastels on paper

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Day 29 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 29 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - Tufted coquettes - watercolor on sketchbook (9x12 inches)

Tufted coquettes - watercolor on sketchbook (9x12 inches)

Tufted coquettes - watercolor on sketchbook (9x12 inches)

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Day 28 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 28 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - Alanna (my youngest daughter) at 2 yrs old - watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches)

Alanna - Watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches)

Alanna - Watercolor on watercolor paper (16x20 inches)

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Day 27 of 30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 27 of 30 Paintings in 30 days - A little sketch of a European crested tit - watercolor on watercolor sketchbook (12x9 inches). It is also the bird of the week for the Facebook group "Paint Colorful Birds for Fun."

European crested tit - watercolor on watercolor sketchbook (12x9 inches)

European crested tit - watercolor on watercolor sketchbook (12x9 inches)

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